Dave Grohl: Για τον θάνατο του Neil Peart, ο κόσμος του ροκ έχασε ένα πραγματικό γίγαντα

Dave Grohl: Για τον θάνατο του Neil Peart, ο κόσμος του ροκ έχασε ένα πραγματικό γίγαντα

Φανατικός φίλος των Rush, o Dave Grohl ήταν αυτός που είχε εντάξει το συγκρότημα στο Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame μαζί με τους Foo Fighters. ήταν το ίνδαλμα του και αυτός που τον έκανε να γίνει ντράμερ στους Nirvana.

Τον έλεγαν καθηγητή γιατί όλοι μάθαμε κάτι από αυτόν.

O τωρινός ντράμερ των Foo Fighters, Taylor Hawkins είπε για τον Neil Peart ότι είχε Θεϊκά χέρια.

“Today, the world lost a true giant in the history of rock & roll. An inspiration to millions with an unmistakable sound who spawned generations of musicians (like myself) to pick up two sticks and chase a dream. A kind, thoughtful, brilliant man who ruled our radios and turntables not only with his drumming, but also his beautiful words.

I still vividly remember my first listen of ‘2112’ when I was young. It was the first time I really listened to a drummer. And since that day, music has never been the same. His power, precision, and composition was incomparable. He was called ‘The Professor’ for a reason: We all learned from him.

Thank you, Neil for making our lives a better place with your music. You will be forever remembered and sorely missed by all of us. And my heartfelt condolences to the Rush family.

God bless Neil Peart.”

Hawkins, meanwhile, issued a short but powerful tribute: “Neil Peart had the hands of God. End of story.”

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