Luka-Suzanne Vega (1987)

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Γεννήθηκε 11/7 το 1959

Μερικοί άνθρωποι είναι μαθημένοι μόνο να παίρνουν, ποτέ δεν δίνουν κάτι από μέσα τους, έχουν κλειδώσει την έξοδο από την καρδιά τους και αυτό μερικές φορές σκοτώνει τους άλλους.

Κώστας Ζουγρής

A few years ago, I used to see this group of children playing in front of my building, and there was one of them, whose name was Luka, who seemed a little bit distinctive from the other children. I always remembered his name, and I always remembered his face, and I didn't know much about him, but he just seemed set apart from these other children that I would see playing. And his character is what I based the song Luka on. In the song, the boy Luka is an abused child—in real life I don't think he was. I think he was just different